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Welcome to LACE soccer

At Los Angeles Centre of Excellence, we invite elite level players to train in a high performance group environment. Our objective is finding and developing the next generation of players looking to enter the professional game. 

We have partnered with Sports Empire Group, a soccer agency that represents professional soccer players and athletes in the US and Europe.

Register your interest for our upcoming Camps!

Please select the sessions / camps you are interested in attending:
(Limited places available):

* All Camps will run from 9am-12pm *


Thanks for submitting!

Elite Sessions, Soccer Camps & Tournaments

Soccer Field at Central Park, the Campus at Playa Vista

12100 E Waterfront Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90094, USA

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Elevate Your Game with LACE

Are you ready to take your game to new heights?

Elite Coaching Staff:
Our program is led by a team of experienced, passionate, and certified coaches who have track record in developing players for the professional game. They bring a wealth of knowledge and dedication to each training session, ensuring that players receive the best possible guidance.


Comprehensive Player Development:
We focus on developing well-rounded players. Our training regimen covers technical skills, tactical understanding, physical fitness, and mental resilience. Players can expect personalized feedback at each session to assess their progress.

Youth Development Pathway:
Our program offers a clear pathway for young talent. From club level, to the professional stage, We nurture players through age-appropriate coaching and competition, ensuring their gradual progression toward elite levels.


Join us today and be part of the journey to elite!


Liability Waiver and Photo Consent


Membership Terms and Conditions


1:1 Personalised - Terms and Conditions


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